Whakapapa of Te Toi Mahana
Te Toi Mahana means “the place of caring and nurturing, standing and belonging”.
Our name was gifted by the Council’s Tākai Here partners - Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o te Ika/Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust, Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa ki te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui, and Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira.
You can read more about this here: Mana Whenua partnership
The twin roofs represent the partnership, trust and manaatikanga between “Te Toi Mahana ‘’ and our resident whānau. The koru on each end of the roofs, embodies the perpetual movement of our whānau through the journey of life. The central white tāniko pattern symbolises warmth and the centrality of whānau to the purpose of “Te Toi Mahana.”
The bottom tāniko pattern is the foundation and represents the place of standing and belonging much like a maunga.
Our Past
Te Toi Mahana was established as a Charitable Trust in February 2023 and has taken over housing services from Wellington City Council who provided social housing since the 1950s.
Te Toi Mahana became a registered Community Housing Provider (CHP) in July 2023 and is registered with the Community Housing Regulatory Authority.
Our Vision
Whānau across Pōneke have homes that suit them, in the right place to support their wellbeing
To provide a place where people are proud to live:
We continuously improve the quality and sustainability of homes and communities
We grow the provision of housing to meet need
We are committed to affordable living
Whakamana – Mauri – Tikanga – Rangatiratanga